21. Dimerización de \(NO_2\)#


Si está utilizando Google Colab o la ejecución en línea, debe de ejecutar al inicio el siguiente código

!pip install pyscf
!pip install geomeTRIC

El \(N_2O_4\) es un compuesto que se encuentra en la atmósfera. Con los cambios de temperatura se descompone en el radical \(NO_2\) mediante la reacción:


Las geometrías de \(N_2O_4\) y \(NO_2\) se dan a continuación:

Molécula: \(N_2O_4\) Carga: 0 Multiplicidad: 1


x (Å)

y (Å)

z (Å)

























Molécula: \(NO_2\) Carga: 0 Multiplicidad: 2


x (Å)

y (Å)

z (Å)













# Importe PySCF y su Optimizador
# Descomentar estas líneas si está en modo online

#!pip install pyscf
#!pip install geomeTRIC

import pyscf
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf import dft
from pyscf.geomopt.geometric_solver import optimize

Pregunta 1. Complete el siguiente código para calcular la energía de la molécula optimizada de \(N_2O_4\) con Hartree-Fock y la base 6-31G.

  • Ayuda. Reemplace XXXX por los valores apropiados.

N2O4 = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom="""
   N        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   N        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   O        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   O        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   O        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   O        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
N2O4.max_memory = XXXX

rhf = scf.RHF(N2O4)

N2O4_eq = optimize(rhf)

rhf = scf.RHF(N2O4_eq)
n2o4 = rhf.kernel()
# Optimice Geometría y obtenga la energia N2O4 HF/6-31G
N2O4 = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom="""
   N       -4.84638        1.76109        0.00000
   N       -3.46888        1.78415        0.00000
   O       -2.82385        2.93169       -0.00000
   O       -2.85055        0.76276        0.00000
   O       -5.46471        2.78248        0.00000
   O       -5.49141        0.61355        0.00000
N2O4.max_memory = 2000

rhf = scf.RHF(N2O4)

N2O4_eq = optimize(rhf)

rhf = scf.RHF(N2O4_eq)
n2o4 = rhf.kernel()
geometric-optimize called with the following command line:
/home/jfhlewyee/anaconda3/envs/jb/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py -f /tmp/tmp20bm5290.json --HistoryManager.hist_file=:memory:

                        #,    ()))))))))/                .)))))))))),          
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        .))))))))*        
                      *%%%%%%,  ))              ..              ,))))))).      
                        *%%%%%%,         ***************/.        .)))))))     
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    /*********************.       )))))))    
              .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,  *******/,     **********,      .))))))   
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **              ********      .))))))  
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  ,******      /)))))  
        %%%%%%      .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,    ,/////.       ******      )))))) 
      #%      %%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////,      *****/     ,))))) 
    #%%  %%%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
  #%%%%.      %%%%%#      /%%%%%%*      #%%%%%%   /////)     ******      ))))),
    #%%%%##%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
      ##     %%%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////.      *****/     ,))))) 
        #%%%%#      /%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%      /)/)//       ******      )))))) 
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  *******      ))))))  
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **.             /*******      .))))))  
              *%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%   ********/*..,*/*********       *))))))   
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    *********************/        )))))))    
                        *%%%%%%,         ,**************/         ,))))))/     
                      (%%%%%%   ()                              ))))))))       
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        ,)))))))),        
                        #,    ())))))))))                ,)))))))))).          

-=#  geomeTRIC started. Version: 1.0  #=-
Current date and time: 2022-12-13 13:53:02
Custom engine selected.
Bonds will be generated from interatomic distances less than 1.20 times sum of covalent radii
18 internal coordinates being used (instead of 18 Cartesians)
Internal coordinate system (atoms numbered from 1):
Distance 1-2
Distance 1-5
Distance 1-6
Distance 2-3
Distance 2-4
Angle 2-1-6
Angle 5-1-6
Angle 1-2-4
Angle 3-2-4
Out-of-Plane 1-2-5-6
Out-of-Plane 2-1-3-4
Dihedral 5-1-2-3
Dihedral 5-1-2-4
Dihedral 6-1-2-3
Dihedral 6-1-2-4
Translation-X 1-6
Translation-Y 1-6
Translation-Z 1-6
Rotation-A 1-6
Rotation-B 1-6
Rotation-C 1-6
<class 'geometric.internal.Distance'> : 5
<class 'geometric.internal.Angle'> : 4
<class 'geometric.internal.OutOfPlane'> : 2
<class 'geometric.internal.Dihedral'> : 4
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationX'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationY'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationZ'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationA'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationB'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationC'> : 1

> ===== Optimization Info: ====
> Job type: Energy minimization
> Maximum number of optimization cycles: 300
> Initial / maximum trust radius (Angstrom): 0.100 / 0.300
> Convergence Criteria:
> Will converge when all 5 criteria are reached:
>  |Delta-E| < 1.00e-06
>  RMS-Grad  < 3.00e-04
>  Max-Grad  < 4.50e-04
>  RMS-Disp  < 1.20e-03
>  Max-Disp  < 1.80e-03
> === End Optimization Info ===
Geometry optimization cycle 1
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.846380   1.761090   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   N  -3.468880   1.784150   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -2.823850   2.931690   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -2.850550   0.762760   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -5.464710   2.782480   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -5.491410   0.613550   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.731086258658
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.1364944014     0.0625759323    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.1364944014    -0.0625759323     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0609843523     0.0470933974    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0289060280     0.0154588415     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0289060280    -0.0154588415     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0609843523    -0.0470933974     0.0000000000
cycle 1: E = -407.731086259  dE = -407.731  norm(grad) = 0.243137
Step    0 : Gradient = 9.926e-02/1.502e-01 (rms/max) Energy = -407.7310862587
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 6.28366e-01 1.07911e+00 1.07911e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 2
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.859695   1.735825   0.000000   -0.013315 -0.025265  0.000000
   N  -3.450568   1.758850   0.000000    0.018312 -0.025300  0.000000
   O  -2.988665   2.947542   0.000000   -0.164815  0.015852  0.000000
   O  -2.831116   0.738932  -0.000000    0.019434 -0.023828 -0.000000
   O  -5.332764   2.831342  -0.000000    0.131946  0.048862 -0.000000
   O  -5.482972   0.623229  -0.000000    0.008438  0.009679 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -407.750917665723
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0943391425     0.0387264897     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0903687332    -0.0623329117     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0080957325     0.0618298086    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0131065114     0.0033624877    -0.0000000000
4 O     0.0176448915     0.0069266968    -0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0428175448    -0.0485125711    -0.0000000000
cycle 2: E = -407.750917666  dE = -0.0198314  norm(grad) = 0.176265
Step    1 : Displace = 9.139e-02/1.656e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.000e-01 (=) Grad = 7.196e-02/1.098e-01 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7509176657 (-1.983e-02) Quality = 0.794
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.07801e+00 1.07900e+00 1.33965e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 3
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.915822   1.782068  -0.000000   -0.056127  0.046243 -0.000000
   N  -3.390852   1.806572  -0.000000    0.059716  0.047723 -0.000000
   O  -2.913483   2.861478   0.000000    0.075182 -0.086064  0.000000
   O  -2.967615   0.693999  -0.000000   -0.136499 -0.044933  0.000000
   O  -5.508769   2.816442   0.000000   -0.176005 -0.014900  0.000000
   O  -5.249239   0.675160  -0.000000    0.233733  0.051931 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -407.762539830669
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0032089139    -0.0254232494    -0.0000000000
1 N     0.0120939071     0.0329851457     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0353281201    -0.0576892460    -0.0000000000
3 O    -0.0350901526     0.0071808802     0.0000000000
4 O     0.0032286716    -0.0180561510     0.0000000000
5 O     0.0583046080     0.0610026204     0.0000000000
cycle 3: E = -407.762539831  dE = -0.0116222  norm(grad) = 0.123317
Step    2 : Displace = 1.491e-01/2.385e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (+) Grad = 5.034e-02/8.438e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7625398307 (-1.162e-02) Quality = 0.290
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.07632e+00 1.08140e+00 1.38171e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 4
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.944516   1.731913  -0.000000   -0.028694 -0.050155 -0.000000
   N  -3.385457   1.811430  -0.000000    0.005394  0.004858 -0.000000
   O  -2.883788   2.897180   0.000000    0.029695  0.035702  0.000000
   O  -2.855817   0.739624  -0.000000    0.111798  0.045625 -0.000000
   O  -5.446839   2.818713   0.000000    0.061930  0.002271  0.000000
   O  -5.429362   0.636859  -0.000000   -0.180123 -0.038300 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -407.775050492622
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0167386493    -0.0163436526    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0284120855     0.0160348932     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0145334538    -0.0073045289    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0035574426     0.0073498720     0.0000000000
4 O     0.0031853919     0.0026720890     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0096028520    -0.0024086727     0.0000000000
cycle 4: E = -407.775050493  dE = -0.0125107  norm(grad) = 0.0453676
Step    3 : Displace = 9.822e-02/1.845e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (=) Grad = 1.852e-02/3.262e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7750504926 (-1.251e-02) Quality = 0.715
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.07452e+00 1.08361e+00 1.32790e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 5
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.932195   1.772838   0.000000    0.012321  0.040925  0.000000
   N  -3.348101   1.757478  -0.000000    0.037356 -0.053952  0.000000
   O  -2.960658   2.897661   0.000000   -0.076870  0.000481  0.000000
   O  -2.791436   0.695477  -0.000000    0.064381 -0.044148 -0.000000
   O  -5.486881   2.835020  -0.000000   -0.040041  0.016306 -0.000000
   O  -5.426508   0.677247  -0.000000    0.002854  0.040387 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -407.77279191531
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0357477039     0.0285488303     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0045052705    -0.0323482972    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0134293717     0.0182095003     0.0000000000
3 O     0.0126846343    -0.0110699765     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0194028901    -0.0038489686    -0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0110948058     0.0005089119    -0.0000000000
cycle 5: E = -407.772791915  dE = 0.00225858  norm(grad) = 0.0668555
Step    4 : Displace = 6.006e-02/7.812e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (=) Grad = 2.729e-02/4.575e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7727919153 (+2.259e-03) Quality = -0.627
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.08136e+00 1.14620e+00 1.33623e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 6
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.948260   1.753813   0.000000   -0.016064 -0.019025 -0.000000
   N  -3.360026   1.786434  -0.000000   -0.011924  0.028956  0.000000
   O  -2.918153   2.897632   0.000000    0.042505 -0.000030 -0.000000
   O  -2.831435   0.713653  -0.000000   -0.039999  0.018176  0.000000
   O  -5.471242   2.830404  -0.000000    0.015639 -0.004616 -0.000000
   O  -5.416664   0.653785  -0.000000    0.009844 -0.023462  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.777010757933
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0154010104     0.0030923593     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0089625316    -0.0059584301    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0007361967     0.0036441320     0.0000000000
3 O     0.0050445045    -0.0025678925     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0063731138     0.0016807551    -0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0043736727     0.0001090761    -0.0000000000
cycle 6: E = -407.777010758  dE = -0.00421884  norm(grad) = 0.0217032
Step    5 : Displace = 3.228e-02/4.400e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 3.003e-02 (-) Grad = 8.860e-03/1.571e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7770107579 (-4.219e-03) Quality = 1.014
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.07133e+00 1.11476e+00 1.33511e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 7
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.958218   1.749749   0.000000   -0.009958 -0.004064 -0.000000
   N  -3.356461   1.794699   0.000000    0.003564  0.008265  0.000000
   O  -2.908043   2.898367  -0.000000    0.010110  0.000735 -0.000000
   O  -2.844819   0.715404  -0.000000   -0.013384  0.001752 -0.000000
   O  -5.468233   2.830183  -0.000000    0.003010 -0.000220 -0.000000
   O  -5.410006   0.647317  -0.000000    0.006658 -0.006468 -0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.777408714019
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0043083815    -0.0034976279    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0036180253     0.0030164519     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0010920174    -0.0017519136    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0005217173    -0.0012770455    -0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0006044468     0.0016804367    -0.0000000000
5 O     0.0004843907     0.0018296984    -0.0000000000
cycle 7: E = -407.777408714  dE = -0.000397956  norm(grad) = 0.00811918
Step    6 : Displace = 9.806e-03/1.350e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 4.247e-02 (+) Grad = 3.315e-03/5.549e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7774087140 (-3.980e-04) Quality = 1.131
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.05076e+00 1.12800e+00 1.33199e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 8
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.963177   1.750279  -0.000000   -0.004959  0.000530 -0.000000
   N  -3.352683   1.795491  -0.000000    0.003778  0.000792 -0.000000
   O  -2.902689   2.899271   0.000000    0.005354  0.000904  0.000000
   O  -2.845295   0.715170   0.000000   -0.000475 -0.000235  0.000000
   O  -5.471582   2.830141   0.000000   -0.003350 -0.000042  0.000000
   O  -5.410354   0.645368   0.000000   -0.000348 -0.001949  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.77746632172
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0016135500    -0.0018204235     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0021103603     0.0019798040    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0001917970    -0.0005655466     0.0000000000
3 O     0.0000036980    -0.0011081985     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0000011732     0.0012770059     0.0000000000
5 O     0.0006860824     0.0002373587     0.0000000000
cycle 8: E = -407.777466322  dE = -5.76077e-05  norm(grad) = 0.00424656
Step    7 : Displace = 3.757e-03/5.426e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 6.006e-02 (+) Grad = 1.734e-03/2.894e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7774663217 (-5.761e-05) Quality = 1.396
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.03997e+00 1.13528e+00 1.33164e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 9
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.967844   1.750370   0.000000   -0.004667  0.000091  0.000000
   N  -3.347870   1.794966   0.000000    0.004813 -0.000525  0.000000
   O  -2.900154   2.899180  -0.000000    0.002534 -0.000091 -0.000000
   O  -2.840854   0.715856  -0.000000    0.004440  0.000687 -0.000000
   O  -5.474477   2.829494  -0.000000   -0.002894 -0.000647 -0.000000
   O  -5.414580   0.645854  -0.000000   -0.004226  0.000486 -0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.777487563799
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0006769238    -0.0007927238    -0.0000000000
1 N     0.0001909845     0.0008840420     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0002124930    -0.0009779243    -0.0000000000
3 O    -0.0000123071     0.0001856285    -0.0000000000
4 O     0.0002351671    -0.0002413196    -0.0000000000
5 O     0.0004755722     0.0009422972    -0.0000000000
cycle 9: E = -407.777487564  dE = -2.12421e-05  norm(grad) = 0.00204166
Step    8 : Displace = 4.056e-03/4.845e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 8.493e-02 (+) Grad = 8.335e-04/1.056e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7774875638 (-2.124e-05) Quality = 0.950
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.06763e+00 1.13344e+00 1.34009e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 10
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.967545   1.750690  -0.000000    0.000300  0.000320 -0.000000
   N  -3.347710   1.794765  -0.000000    0.000160 -0.000201 -0.000000
   O  -2.899789   2.899865   0.000000    0.000365  0.000685  0.000000
   O  -2.841150   0.715474   0.000000   -0.000296 -0.000382  0.000000
   O  -5.474792   2.829592   0.000000   -0.000315  0.000098  0.000000
   O  -5.414794   0.645335   0.000000   -0.000214 -0.000519  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.777488977639
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0000385726     0.0002400961     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0000661667    -0.0001143478    -0.0000000000
2 O     0.0001470824     0.0003034762     0.0000000000
3 O    -0.0000136078    -0.0001655059     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0000414104     0.0000320455     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0000644701    -0.0002957641     0.0000000000
cycle 10: E = -407.777488978  dE = -1.41384e-06  norm(grad) = 0.000558812
Step    9 : Displace = 5.027e-04/7.841e-04 (rms/max) Trust = 1.201e-01 (+) Grad = 2.281e-04/3.372e-04 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7774889776 (-1.414e-06) Quality = 0.710
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.12912e+00 1.15995e+00 1.31317e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 11
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.967460   1.750594   0.000000    0.000085 -0.000096  0.000000
   N  -3.347821   1.794687   0.000000   -0.000111 -0.000078  0.000000
   O  -2.900219   2.899680  -0.000000   -0.000429 -0.000184 -0.000000
   O  -2.840848   0.715608  -0.000000    0.000302  0.000134 -0.000000
   O  -5.474510   2.829621  -0.000000    0.000282  0.000029 -0.000000
   O  -5.414922   0.645530  -0.000000   -0.000128  0.000195 -0.000000
converged SCF energy = -407.777489182369
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0000024820     0.0000040969    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0000158577     0.0000369278     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0000063276    -0.0000166462    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0000143615    -0.0000255472    -0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0000113681     0.0000129975    -0.0000000000
5 O     0.0000090187    -0.0000118288    -0.0000000000
cycle 11: E = -407.777489182  dE = -2.0473e-07  norm(grad) = 5.77368e-05
Step   10 : Displace = 2.876e-04/4.654e-04 (rms/max) Trust = 1.201e-01 (=) Grad = 2.357e-05/4.019e-05 (rms/max) E (change) = -407.7774891824 (-2.047e-07) Quality = 1.036
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.12912e+00 1.15995e+00 1.31317e+00
Converged! =D
    #| If this code has benefited your research, please support us by citing: |#
    #|                                                                        |#
    #| Wang, L.-P.; Song, C.C. (2016) "Geometry optimization made simple with |#
    #| translation and rotation coordinates", J. Chem, Phys. 144, 214108.     |#
    #| http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952956                                    |#
Time elapsed since start of run_optimizer: 17.373 seconds
converged SCF energy = -407.777489182482

Pregunta 2. Complete el siguiente código para calcular la energía de la molécula optimizada de \(NO_2\) con Hartree-Fock y la base 6-31G.

  • Ayuda. Reemplace XXXX por los valores apropiados.

  • Nota. El \(NO_2\) es un doblete (\(2S+1 = 2\), capa abierta) mientras que el \(N_2O_4\) es un singulete (\(2S+1 = 1\), capa cerrada). ¿Que diferencias tiene el código de esta celda respecto al de la anterior?

NO2 = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom="""
   N        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   O        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
   O        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX        XXXXXXX
NO2.max_memory = XXXX

uhf = scf.UHF(NO2)

NO2_eq = optimize(uhf)

uhf = scf.UHF(NO2_eq)
no2 = uhf.kernel()
# Optimice Geometría y obtenga la energia NO2 HF/6-31G
NO2 = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom="""
   N       -4.39539        1.87380        0.00000
   O       -3.90978        3.09520       -0.00000
   O       -3.65594        0.93810        0.00000
NO2.max_memory = 2000

uhf = scf.UHF(NO2)

NO2_eq = optimize(uhf)

uhf = scf.UHF(NO2_eq)
no2 = uhf.kernel()
geometric-optimize called with the following command line:
/home/jfhlewyee/anaconda3/envs/jb/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py -f /tmp/tmp20bm5290.json --HistoryManager.hist_file=:memory:

                        #,    ()))))))))/                .)))))))))),          
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        .))))))))*        
                      *%%%%%%,  ))              ..              ,))))))).      
                        *%%%%%%,         ***************/.        .)))))))     
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    /*********************.       )))))))    
              .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,  *******/,     **********,      .))))))   
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **              ********      .))))))  
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  ,******      /)))))  
        %%%%%%      .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,    ,/////.       ******      )))))) 
      #%      %%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////,      *****/     ,))))) 
    #%%  %%%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
  #%%%%.      %%%%%#      /%%%%%%*      #%%%%%%   /////)     ******      ))))),
    #%%%%##%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
      ##     %%%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////.      *****/     ,))))) 
        #%%%%#      /%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%      /)/)//       ******      )))))) 
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  *******      ))))))  
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **.             /*******      .))))))  
              *%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%   ********/*..,*/*********       *))))))   
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    *********************/        )))))))    
                        *%%%%%%,         ,**************/         ,))))))/     
                      (%%%%%%   ()                              ))))))))       
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        ,)))))))),        
                        #,    ())))))))))                ,)))))))))).          

-=#  geomeTRIC started. Version: 1.0  #=-
Current date and time: 2022-12-13 13:53:20
Custom engine selected.
Bonds will be generated from interatomic distances less than 1.20 times sum of covalent radii
9 internal coordinates being used (instead of 9 Cartesians)
Internal coordinate system (atoms numbered from 1):
Distance 1-2
Distance 1-3
Angle 2-1-3
Translation-X 1-3
Translation-Y 1-3
Translation-Z 1-3
Rotation-A 1-3
Rotation-B 1-3
Rotation-C 1-3
<class 'geometric.internal.Distance'> : 2
<class 'geometric.internal.Angle'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationX'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationY'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationZ'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationA'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationB'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationC'> : 1

> ===== Optimization Info: ====
> Job type: Energy minimization
> Maximum number of optimization cycles: 300
> Initial / maximum trust radius (Angstrom): 0.100 / 0.300
> Convergence Criteria:
> Will converge when all 5 criteria are reached:
>  |Delta-E| < 1.00e-06
>  RMS-Grad  < 3.00e-04
>  Max-Grad  < 4.50e-04
>  RMS-Disp  < 1.20e-03
>  Max-Disp  < 1.80e-03
> === End Optimization Info ===
Geometry optimization cycle 1
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.395390   1.873800   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -3.909780   3.095200   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -3.655940   0.938100   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -203.882695374303  <S^2> = 0.80452483  2S+1 = 2.0538012
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.1062928148    -0.0412675055    -0.0000000000
1 O     0.0553697683     0.0414978706    -0.0000000000
2 O     0.0509230464    -0.0002303650     0.0000000000
cycle 1: E = -203.882695374  dE = -203.883  norm(grad) = 0.142766
Step    0 : Gradient = 8.243e-02/1.140e-01 (rms/max) Energy = -203.8826953743
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 2.50000e-01 6.33488e-01 1.08625e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 2
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.273186   1.902920   0.000000    0.122204  0.029120  0.000000
   O  -3.977526   3.135717   0.000000   -0.067746  0.040517  0.000000
   O  -3.710397   0.868462  -0.000000   -0.054457 -0.069638 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -203.901354509923  <S^2> = 0.77734474  2S+1 = 2.0271603
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0109124496    -0.0504452233    -0.0000000000
1 O     0.0096178119     0.0669108747     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0012946378    -0.0164656514     0.0000000000
cycle 2: E = -203.90135451  dE = -0.0186591  norm(grad) = 0.0866381
Step    1 : Displace = 9.971e-02/1.256e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.000e-01 (=) Grad = 5.002e-02/6.760e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -203.9013545099 (-1.866e-02) Quality = 0.980
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 2.68542e-01 6.41709e-01 1.07062e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 3
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.257463   1.925148   0.000000    0.015723  0.022228  0.000000
   O  -3.986571   3.089708   0.000000   -0.009044 -0.046009 -0.000000
   O  -3.717076   0.892243  -0.000000   -0.006679  0.023781  0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -203.906059614238  <S^2> = 0.76765288  2S+1 = 2.0175757
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0286709510    -0.0281400904     0.0000000000
1 O    -0.0067255623     0.0013751407     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0219453888     0.0267649497    -0.0000000000
cycle 3: E = -203.906059614  dE = -0.0047051  norm(grad) = 0.0534694
Step    2 : Displace = 3.437e-02/4.659e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (+) Grad = 3.087e-02/4.017e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -203.9060596142 (-4.705e-03) Quality = 1.027
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.33010e-01 4.79949e-01 1.29868e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 4
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.275164   1.928065   0.000000   -0.017701  0.002917  0.000000
   O  -3.979321   3.084953  -0.000000    0.007249 -0.004755 -0.000000
   O  -3.706624   0.894082   0.000000    0.010452  0.001838  0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -203.907030721303  <S^2> = 0.76811904  2S+1 = 2.0180377
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0064333903    -0.0126381801     0.0000000000
1 O     0.0000265982     0.0017440774    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0064599885     0.0108941027    -0.0000000000
cycle 4: E = -203.907030721  dE = -0.000971107  norm(grad) = 0.0190937
Step    3 : Displace = 1.301e-02/1.801e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 2.000e-01 (+) Grad = 1.102e-02/1.418e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -203.9070307213 (-9.711e-04) Quality = 1.236
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.73607e-01 4.21668e-01 9.94827e-01
Geometry optimization cycle 5
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.277793   1.932140  -0.000000   -0.002629  0.004075 -0.000000
   O  -3.979411   3.083437  -0.000000   -0.000089 -0.001516 -0.000000
   O  -3.703906   0.891523   0.000000    0.002718 -0.002559  0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -203.907151331469  <S^2> = 0.76820709  2S+1 = 2.018125
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0012212717    -0.0007327856     0.0000000000
1 O    -0.0001961482    -0.0015289036     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0010251235     0.0022616893    -0.0000000000
cycle 5: E = -203.907151331  dE = -0.00012061  norm(grad) = 0.00325125
Step    4 : Displace = 3.622e-03/4.954e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 2.828e-01 (+) Grad = 1.877e-03/2.483e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -203.9071513315 (-1.206e-04) Quality = 1.096
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.73054e-01 4.80258e-01 7.81474e-01
Geometry optimization cycle 6
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.278012   1.932263  -0.000000   -0.000219  0.000123 -0.000000
   O  -3.979501   3.084753  -0.000000   -0.000090  0.001316 -0.000000
   O  -3.703597   0.890083   0.000000    0.000309 -0.001440  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -203.907155413675  <S^2> = 0.76833946  2S+1 = 2.0182561
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0003892613    -0.0005234345    -0.0000000000
1 O     0.0002174125     0.0008308163     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0001718488    -0.0003073818    -0.0000000000
cycle 6: E = -203.907155414  dE = -4.08221e-06  norm(grad) = 0.00113448
Step    5 : Displace = 1.151e-03/1.472e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (+) Grad = 6.550e-04/8.588e-04 (rms/max) E (change) = -203.9071554137 (-4.082e-06) Quality = 0.729
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.75615e-01 4.81307e-01 9.82314e-01
Geometry optimization cycle 7
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.277873   1.932476  -0.000000    0.000139  0.000213  0.000000
   O  -3.979589   3.084376  -0.000000   -0.000088 -0.000377 -0.000000
   O  -3.703648   0.890248   0.000000   -0.000051  0.000165  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -203.907155932957  <S^2> = 0.76830571  2S+1 = 2.0182227
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0000049473     0.0000391722    -0.0000000000
1 O    -0.0000106355    -0.0000212663     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0000056882    -0.0000179059    -0.0000000000
cycle 7: E = -203.907155933  dE = -5.19283e-07  norm(grad) = 4.97723e-05
Step    6 : Displace = 2.852e-04/3.849e-04 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (=) Grad = 2.874e-05/3.948e-05 (rms/max) E (change) = -203.9071559330 (-5.193e-07) Quality = 0.986
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.75615e-01 4.81307e-01 9.82314e-01
Converged! =D
    #| If this code has benefited your research, please support us by citing: |#
    #|                                                                        |#
    #| Wang, L.-P.; Song, C.C. (2016) "Geometry optimization made simple with |#
    #| translation and rotation coordinates", J. Chem, Phys. 144, 214108.     |#
    #| http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952956                                    |#
Time elapsed since start of run_optimizer: 2.511 seconds
converged SCF energy = -203.907155922822  <S^2> = 0.76830428  2S+1 = 2.0182213

Pregunta a. Calcule el \(\Delta U\) de la reacción \(N_2O_4\)\(2NO_2\) según HF.

# Obtenga la energía de reacción (2E_{NO2} - E_{N2O4}). Recuerde convertur Hartree->kcal/mol.

Pregunta 3. Calcule la energía de la molécula optimizada de \(N_2O_4\) con DFT B3LYP y la base 6-31G.

  • Ayuda. Reutilice el código de la pregunta 1, pero recuerde que va a usar DFT y requiere especificar un funcional.

# Optimice Geometría y obtenga la energia N2O4 B3LYP/6-31G
N2O4 = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom="""
   N       -4.84638        1.76109        0.00000
   N       -3.46888        1.78415        0.00000
   O       -2.82385        2.93169       -0.00000
   O       -2.85055        0.76276        0.00000
   O       -5.46471        2.78248        0.00000
   O       -5.49141        0.61355        0.00000
N2O4.max_memory = 2000

rks = dft.RKS(N2O4)
rks.xc = "B3LYP"
N2O4_eq = optimize(rks)

rks = dft.RKS(N2O4_eq)
rks.xc = "B3LYP"
n2o4 = rks.kernel()
geometric-optimize called with the following command line:
/home/jfhlewyee/anaconda3/envs/jb/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py -f /tmp/tmp20bm5290.json --HistoryManager.hist_file=:memory:

                        #,    ()))))))))/                .)))))))))),          
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        .))))))))*        
                      *%%%%%%,  ))              ..              ,))))))).      
                        *%%%%%%,         ***************/.        .)))))))     
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    /*********************.       )))))))    
              .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,  *******/,     **********,      .))))))   
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **              ********      .))))))  
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  ,******      /)))))  
        %%%%%%      .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,    ,/////.       ******      )))))) 
      #%      %%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////,      *****/     ,))))) 
    #%%  %%%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
  #%%%%.      %%%%%#      /%%%%%%*      #%%%%%%   /////)     ******      ))))),
    #%%%%##%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
      ##     %%%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////.      *****/     ,))))) 
        #%%%%#      /%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%      /)/)//       ******      )))))) 
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  *******      ))))))  
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **.             /*******      .))))))  
              *%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%   ********/*..,*/*********       *))))))   
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    *********************/        )))))))    
                        *%%%%%%,         ,**************/         ,))))))/     
                      (%%%%%%   ()                              ))))))))       
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        ,)))))))),        
                        #,    ())))))))))                ,)))))))))).          

-=#  geomeTRIC started. Version: 1.0  #=-
Current date and time: 2022-12-13 13:53:22
Custom engine selected.
Bonds will be generated from interatomic distances less than 1.20 times sum of covalent radii
18 internal coordinates being used (instead of 18 Cartesians)
Internal coordinate system (atoms numbered from 1):
Distance 1-2
Distance 1-5
Distance 1-6
Distance 2-3
Distance 2-4
Angle 2-1-6
Angle 5-1-6
Angle 1-2-4
Angle 3-2-4
Out-of-Plane 1-2-5-6
Out-of-Plane 2-1-3-4
Dihedral 5-1-2-3
Dihedral 5-1-2-4
Dihedral 6-1-2-3
Dihedral 6-1-2-4
Translation-X 1-6
Translation-Y 1-6
Translation-Z 1-6
Rotation-A 1-6
Rotation-B 1-6
Rotation-C 1-6
<class 'geometric.internal.Distance'> : 5
<class 'geometric.internal.Angle'> : 4
<class 'geometric.internal.OutOfPlane'> : 2
<class 'geometric.internal.Dihedral'> : 4
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationX'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationY'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationZ'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationA'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationB'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationC'> : 1

> ===== Optimization Info: ====
> Job type: Energy minimization
> Maximum number of optimization cycles: 300
> Initial / maximum trust radius (Angstrom): 0.100 / 0.300
> Convergence Criteria:
> Will converge when all 5 criteria are reached:
>  |Delta-E| < 1.00e-06
>  RMS-Grad  < 3.00e-04
>  Max-Grad  < 4.50e-04
>  RMS-Disp  < 1.20e-03
>  Max-Disp  < 1.80e-03
> === End Optimization Info ===
Geometry optimization cycle 1

Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.846380   1.761090   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   N  -3.468880   1.784150   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -2.823850   2.931690   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -2.850550   0.762760   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -5.464710   2.782480   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -5.491410   0.613550   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -409.756385238947
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.1341253624     0.0842921006     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.1341253629    -0.0842920968     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0496368527     0.0186572750    -0.0000000000
3 O    -0.0108256294     0.0765464853    -0.0000000000
4 O     0.0108256301    -0.0765464877     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0496368529    -0.0186572764     0.0000000000
cycle 1: E = -409.756385239  dE = -409.756  norm(grad) = 0.26032
Step    0 : Gradient = 1.063e-01/1.584e-01 (rms/max) Energy = -409.7563852389
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 6.28366e-01 1.07911e+00 1.07911e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 2
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.871262   1.749145  -0.000000   -0.024882 -0.011945 -0.000000
   N  -3.426965   1.741374  -0.000000    0.041915 -0.042776 -0.000000
   O  -3.001013   2.961382   0.000000   -0.177163  0.029692  0.000000
   O  -2.783837   0.702231   0.000000    0.066713 -0.060529  0.000000
   O  -5.369365   2.865086  -0.000000    0.095345  0.082606 -0.000000
   O  -5.493338   0.616502  -0.000000   -0.001928  0.002952 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -409.78329074404
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.1102494294     0.0516268946     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0917653930    -0.0645874793    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0055182626     0.0419895584     0.0000000000
3 O     0.0054255790     0.0143390792    -0.0000000000
4 O     0.0141163791    -0.0113971693     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0324643265    -0.0320147729    -0.0000000000
cycle 2: E = -409.783290744  dE = -0.0269055  norm(grad) = 0.178464
Step    1 : Displace = 1.005e-01/1.796e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.000e-01 (=) Grad = 7.286e-02/1.217e-01 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.7832907440 (-2.691e-02) Quality = 0.807
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 7.78060e-01 1.07803e+00 1.29127e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 3
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.957379   1.783357  -0.000000   -0.086117  0.034212 -0.000000
   N  -3.363882   1.806757   0.000000    0.063083  0.065384  0.000000
   O  -2.816321   2.918297   0.000000    0.184692 -0.043086  0.000000
   O  -2.870150   0.648331   0.000000   -0.086312 -0.053899  0.000000
   O  -5.598452   2.870605  -0.000000   -0.229086  0.005519 -0.000000
   O  -5.340442   0.609227  -0.000000    0.152896 -0.007276 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -409.806973112744
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0626381325    -0.0044809072     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0673613948     0.0094590597    -0.0000000000
2 O     0.0120372450     0.0095800103    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0103439790    -0.0306342733     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0276270127     0.0267624820    -0.0000000000
5 O     0.0099364897    -0.0106857380     0.0000000000
cycle 3: E = -409.806973113  dE = -0.0236824  norm(grad) = 0.107448
Step    2 : Displace = 1.523e-01/2.276e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (+) Grad = 4.387e-02/6.802e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8069731127 (-2.368e-02) Quality = 0.644
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 1.04661e+00 1.08809e+00 1.24286e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 4
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.023104   1.708541  -0.000000   -0.065725 -0.074816  0.000000
   N  -3.325983   1.839231   0.000000    0.037899  0.032473  0.000000
   O  -2.818150   2.933124   0.000000   -0.001829  0.014827  0.000000
   O  -2.805907   0.697082   0.000000    0.064242  0.048751 -0.000000
   O  -5.502899   2.870556   0.000000    0.095553 -0.000049  0.000000
   O  -5.469354   0.588827  -0.000000   -0.128912 -0.020400 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -409.81402743392
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0164778802    -0.0602690022    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0374042921     0.0594036500     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0045765596    -0.0250472986    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0095958000    -0.0176345202    -0.0000000000
4 O     0.0011226215     0.0304528581     0.0000000000
5 O     0.0056088662     0.0130917806     0.0000000000
cycle 4: E = -409.814027434  dE = -0.00705432  norm(grad) = 0.10495
Step    3 : Displace = 8.688e-02/1.316e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (=) Grad = 4.285e-02/7.020e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8140274339 (-7.054e-03) Quality = 0.742
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 8.79754e-01 1.07735e+00 1.25069e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 5
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.030364   1.743040  -0.000000   -0.007260  0.034499 -0.000000
   N  -3.260110   1.791623   0.000000    0.065873 -0.047607  0.000000
   O  -2.862663   2.929961   0.000000   -0.044513 -0.003163  0.000000
   O  -2.724719   0.672623   0.000000    0.081189 -0.024459  0.000000
   O  -5.561214   2.862758   0.000000   -0.058316 -0.007798 -0.000000
   O  -5.504625   0.638058  -0.000000   -0.035272  0.049231 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -409.819010653918
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0168211431    -0.0317565804    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0049936490     0.0282677790    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0117340331    -0.0179909805    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0082758866    -0.0153442335     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0127076495     0.0051644656     0.0000000000
5 O     0.0043654529     0.0316766646     0.0000000000
cycle 5: E = -409.819010654  dE = -0.00498322  norm(grad) = 0.0639637
Step    4 : Displace = 6.345e-02/8.476e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (=) Grad = 2.611e-02/3.594e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8190106539 (-4.983e-03) Quality = 0.832
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 9.04650e-01 1.08958e+00 1.24987e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 6
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.046589   1.744259  -0.000000   -0.016225  0.001219 -0.000000
   N  -3.257673   1.792388   0.000000    0.002436  0.000765  0.000000
   O  -2.842440   2.945963   0.000000    0.020223  0.016002  0.000000
   O  -2.737933   0.680189   0.000000   -0.013215  0.007566  0.000000
   O  -5.545762   2.866327  -0.000000    0.015453  0.003569 -0.000000
   O  -5.514239   0.608119  -0.000000   -0.009614 -0.029939 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -409.821185296234
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0130528207     0.0009188019    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0058515686    -0.0000682204     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0017621084     0.0048577168     0.0000000000
3 O     0.0019477382    -0.0058110893    -0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0030522910     0.0040040132     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0043176354    -0.0038908955    -0.0000000000
cycle 6: E = -409.821185296  dE = -0.00217464  norm(grad) = 0.0181345
Step    5 : Displace = 2.003e-02/3.125e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 2.000e-01 (+) Grad = 7.403e-03/1.309e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8211852962 (-2.175e-03) Quality = 1.037
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 8.76114e-01 1.09084e+00 1.25276e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 7
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.063170   1.743193  -0.000000   -0.016581 -0.001066  0.000000
   N  -3.250713   1.795663   0.000000    0.006960  0.003275 -0.000000
   O  -2.828522   2.943152   0.000000    0.013918 -0.002811 -0.000000
   O  -2.738220   0.684663   0.000000   -0.000287  0.004474 -0.000000
   O  -5.551989   2.865660  -0.000000   -0.006228 -0.000667  0.000000
   O  -5.512880   0.604053  -0.000000    0.001359 -0.004066  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -409.821515173617
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0014819560    -0.0000384272     0.0000000000
1 N     0.0000384215     0.0004354839    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0019864342    -0.0002348005     0.0000000000
3 O    -0.0005119280    -0.0001943968     0.0000000000
4 O     0.0012040947     0.0015663906    -0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0002181271    -0.0015280380    -0.0000000000
cycle 7: E = -409.821515174  dE = -0.000329877  norm(grad) = 0.00360217
Step    6 : Displace = 1.011e-02/1.646e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 2.828e-01 (+) Grad = 1.471e-03/2.000e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8215151736 (-3.299e-04) Quality = 1.180
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 9.86634e-01 1.07921e+00 1.10760e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 8
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.069162   1.743938   0.000000   -0.005992  0.000745  0.000000
   N  -3.246852   1.797242   0.000000    0.003860  0.001579  0.000000
   O  -2.816732   2.942327   0.000000    0.011790 -0.000824 -0.000000
   O  -2.737297   0.685387  -0.000000    0.000923  0.000723 -0.000000
   O  -5.563359   2.862908   0.000000   -0.011369 -0.002752  0.000000
   O  -5.512683   0.603834  -0.000000    0.000198 -0.000219  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -409.821577746442
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0005584784    -0.0002692440    -0.0000000000
1 N     0.0002369049    -0.0002890492     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0007190763    -0.0002566646    -0.0000000000
3 O    -0.0002690242     0.0006400977     0.0000000000
4 O     0.0010601166     0.0001375104     0.0000000000
5 O     0.0002532686     0.0000404158     0.0000000000
cycle 8: E = -409.821577746  dE = -6.25728e-05  norm(grad) = 0.00167262
Step    7 : Displace = 7.420e-03/1.230e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (+) Grad = 6.828e-04/1.069e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8215777464 (-6.257e-05) Quality = 1.335
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 8.25487e-01 1.04977e+00 1.10295e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 9
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.071283   1.744981   0.000000   -0.002121  0.001043  0.000000
   N  -3.244748   1.798765   0.000000    0.002105  0.001523 -0.000000
   O  -2.809041   2.942042   0.000000    0.007691 -0.000285  0.000000
   O  -2.738357   0.685030  -0.000000   -0.001060 -0.000357 -0.000000
   O  -5.572392   2.860938   0.000000   -0.009033 -0.001970  0.000000
   O  -5.510688   0.603343  -0.000000    0.001994 -0.000490  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -409.821592777858
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0003702796    -0.0001276713     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0000671893    -0.0000968196    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0000078020    -0.0000740443    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0001208752     0.0002053730     0.0000000000
4 O     0.0002870430    -0.0001413401    -0.0000000000
5 O     0.0000383360     0.0002353635    -0.0000000000
cycle 9: E = -409.821592778  dE = -1.50314e-05  norm(grad) = 0.00062359
Step    8 : Displace = 5.176e-03/8.706e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (=) Grad = 2.546e-04/3.917e-04 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8215927779 (-1.503e-05) Quality = 1.151
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 8.05513e-01 1.05388e+00 1.10306e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 10
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.071195   1.745262  -0.000000    0.000088  0.000280 -0.000000
   N  -3.244475   1.799392   0.000000    0.000273  0.000627  0.000000
   O  -2.807661   2.942267   0.000000    0.001380  0.000225  0.000000
   O  -2.739556   0.684849  -0.000000   -0.001199 -0.000181 -0.000000
   O  -5.574663   2.860334   0.000000   -0.002271 -0.000605  0.000000
   O  -5.509073   0.602860  -0.000000    0.001615 -0.000484 -0.000000
converged SCF energy = -409.821593872364
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0000967791    -0.0000401706    -0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0000441705     0.0000487271     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0000377759     0.0000048933     0.0000000000
3 O     0.0000976515    -0.0000423263    -0.0000000000
4 O     0.0000418445    -0.0000358526     0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0000360253     0.0000649746     0.0000000000
cycle 10: E = -409.821593872  dE = -1.09451e-06  norm(grad) = 0.000191414
Step    9 : Displace = 1.389e-03/2.019e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (=) Grad = 7.814e-05/1.064e-04 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8215938724 (-1.095e-06) Quality = 1.186
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 7.97881e-01 1.05556e+00 1.11443e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 11
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -5.070963   1.745221   0.000000    0.000232 -0.000041  0.000000
   N  -3.244576   1.799734   0.000000   -0.000101  0.000342 -0.000000
   O  -2.807681   2.942564   0.000000   -0.000020  0.000297 -0.000000
   O  -2.740055   0.685036  -0.000000   -0.000498  0.000186  0.000000
   O  -5.575364   2.859936   0.000000   -0.000701 -0.000398 -0.000000
   O  -5.508021   0.602434  -0.000000    0.001051 -0.000426 -0.000000
converged SCF energy = -409.821594013783
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0000043644     0.0000056734     0.0000000000
1 N    -0.0000045504     0.0000441808    -0.0000000000
2 O     0.0000112355     0.0000073351    -0.0000000000
3 O     0.0000322918    -0.0000582980     0.0000000000
4 O    -0.0000146363     0.0000170920    -0.0000000000
5 O    -0.0000286509    -0.0000159516    -0.0000000000
cycle 11: E = -409.821594014  dE = -1.41418e-07  norm(grad) = 9.0703e-05
Step   10 : Displace = 5.122e-04/7.834e-04 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (=) Grad = 3.703e-05/6.664e-05 (rms/max) E (change) = -409.8215940138 (-1.414e-07) Quality = 1.100
Hessian Eigenvalues: 2.30000e-02 2.81592e-02 2.85714e-02 ... 7.97881e-01 1.05556e+00 1.11443e+00
Converged! =D
    #| If this code has benefited your research, please support us by citing: |#
    #|                                                                        |#
    #| Wang, L.-P.; Song, C.C. (2016) "Geometry optimization made simple with |#
    #| translation and rotation coordinates", J. Chem, Phys. 144, 214108.     |#
    #| http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952956                                    |#
Time elapsed since start of run_optimizer: 34.959 seconds
converged SCF energy = -409.821594013813

Pregunta 4. Calcule la energía de la molécula optimizada de \(NO_2\) con DFT B3LYP y la base 6-31G.

# Optimice Geometría y obtenga la energia NO2 B3LYP/6-31G
NO2 = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom="""
   N       -4.39539        1.87380        0.00000
   O       -3.90978        3.09520       -0.00000
   O       -3.65594        0.93810        0.00000
NO2.max_memory = 2000

uks = dft.UKS(NO2)
uks.xc = "B3LYP"
NO2_eq = optimize(uks)

uks = dft.UKS(NO2_eq)
uks.xc = "B3LYP"
no2 = uks.kernel()
geometric-optimize called with the following command line:
/home/jfhlewyee/anaconda3/envs/jb/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py -f /tmp/tmp20bm5290.json --HistoryManager.hist_file=:memory:

                        #,    ()))))))))/                .)))))))))),          
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        .))))))))*        
                      *%%%%%%,  ))              ..              ,))))))).      
                        *%%%%%%,         ***************/.        .)))))))     
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    /*********************.       )))))))    
              .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,  *******/,     **********,      .))))))   
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **              ********      .))))))  
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  ,******      /)))))  
        %%%%%%      .%%%%%%#      *%%%%%%,    ,/////.       ******      )))))) 
      #%      %%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////,      *****/     ,))))) 
    #%%  %%%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
  #%%%%.      %%%%%#      /%%%%%%*      #%%%%%%   /////)     ******      ))))),
    #%%%%##%  %%%#      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,  ///////.     /*****      ))))).
      ##     %%%      .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  ////////.      *****/     ,))))) 
        #%%%%#      /%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%      /)/)//       ******      )))))) 
          ##      .%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%,                  *******      ))))))  
                .%%%%%%/      *%%%%%%,  **.             /*******      .))))))  
              *%%%%%%/      (%%%%%%   ********/*..,*/*********       *))))))   
                #%%/      (%%%%%%,    *********************/        )))))))    
                        *%%%%%%,         ,**************/         ,))))))/     
                      (%%%%%%   ()                              ))))))))       
                      #%%%%,  ())))))                        ,)))))))),        
                        #,    ())))))))))                ,)))))))))).          

-=#  geomeTRIC started. Version: 1.0  #=-
Current date and time: 2022-12-13 13:53:59
Custom engine selected.
Bonds will be generated from interatomic distances less than 1.20 times sum of covalent radii
9 internal coordinates being used (instead of 9 Cartesians)
Internal coordinate system (atoms numbered from 1):
Distance 1-2
Distance 1-3
Angle 2-1-3
Translation-X 1-3
Translation-Y 1-3
Translation-Z 1-3
Rotation-A 1-3
Rotation-B 1-3
Rotation-C 1-3
<class 'geometric.internal.Distance'> : 2
<class 'geometric.internal.Angle'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationX'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationY'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.TranslationZ'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationA'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationB'> : 1
<class 'geometric.internal.RotationC'> : 1

> ===== Optimization Info: ====
> Job type: Energy minimization
> Maximum number of optimization cycles: 300
> Initial / maximum trust radius (Angstrom): 0.100 / 0.300
> Convergence Criteria:
> Will converge when all 5 criteria are reached:
>  |Delta-E| < 1.00e-06
>  RMS-Grad  < 3.00e-04
>  Max-Grad  < 4.50e-04
>  RMS-Disp  < 1.20e-03
>  Max-Disp  < 1.80e-03
> === End Optimization Info ===
Geometry optimization cycle 1
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.395390   1.873800   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -3.909780   3.095200   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
   O  -3.655940   0.938100   0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -204.884655674854  <S^2> = 0.75536923  2S+1 = 2.005362
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0475126816    -0.0829330014    -0.0000000000
1 O     0.0470121470     0.0170939883     0.0000000000
2 O     0.0005220145     0.0658258507    -0.0000000000
cycle 1: E = -204.884655675  dE = -204.885  norm(grad) = 0.126376
Step    0 : Gradient = 7.296e-02/9.558e-02 (rms/max) Energy = -204.8846556749
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 2.50000e-01 6.33488e-01 1.08625e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 2
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.290089   1.906467  -0.000000    0.105301  0.032667 -0.000000
   O  -3.973639   3.156396  -0.000000   -0.063859  0.061196 -0.000000
   O  -3.697666   0.844411   0.000000   -0.041726 -0.093689  0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -204.897651313982  <S^2> = 0.75406334  2S+1 = 2.0040592
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0025851465    -0.0505465178     0.0000000000
1 O     0.0056965349     0.0508862012    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0082997865    -0.0003048790    -0.0000000000
cycle 2: E = -204.897651314  dE = -0.0129956  norm(grad) = 0.0724739
Step    1 : Displace = 1.008e-01/1.103e-01 (rms/max) Trust = 1.000e-01 (=) Grad = 4.184e-02/5.120e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -204.8976513140 (-1.300e-02) Quality = 0.703
Hessian Eigenvalues: 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.23187e-01 6.65132e-01 1.07758e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 3
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.292313   1.922101   0.000000   -0.002224  0.015634  0.000000
   O  -3.974766   3.126956  -0.000000   -0.001126 -0.029440  0.000000
   O  -3.693854   0.857235   0.000000    0.003812  0.012824  0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -204.900667068534  <S^2> = 0.75351996  2S+1 = 2.0035169
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0072295109    -0.0196276593     0.0000000000
1 O    -0.0001212039     0.0154998766     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0071208683     0.0041660042    -0.0000000000
cycle 3: E = -204.900667069  dE = -0.00301575  norm(grad) = 0.02731
Step    2 : Displace = 2.074e-02/2.913e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 1.000e-01 (=) Grad = 1.577e-02/2.092e-02 (rms/max) E (change) = -204.9006670685 (-3.016e-03) Quality = 1.366
Hessian Eigenvalues: 4.99989e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.38091e-01 4.19989e-01 1.10614e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 4
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.300972   1.928900   0.000000   -0.008659  0.006799 -0.000000
   O  -3.972155   3.111034  -0.000000    0.002610 -0.015922 -0.000000
   O  -3.687294   0.864644   0.000000    0.006561  0.007409  0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -204.901038316177  <S^2> = 0.75343602  2S+1 = 2.0034331
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0037620998     0.0018012223     0.0000000000
1 O    -0.0015644120    -0.0054096622    -0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0022010828     0.0036368325    -0.0000000000
cycle 4: E = -204.901038316  dE = -0.000371248  norm(grad) = 0.0081964
Step    3 : Displace = 1.256e-02/1.589e-02 (rms/max) Trust = 1.414e-01 (+) Grad = 4.732e-03/5.631e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -204.9010383162 (-3.712e-04) Quality = 0.857
Hessian Eigenvalues: 4.99897e-02 5.00000e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.16734e-01 5.10246e-01 1.13144e+00
Geometry optimization cycle 5
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.302618   1.927193   0.000000   -0.001646 -0.001707  0.000000
   O  -3.971830   3.113485  -0.000000    0.000325  0.002451  0.000000
   O  -3.685891   0.863175   0.000000    0.001402 -0.001468 -0.000000

WARN: Large deviations found between the input molecule and the molecule from chkfile
Initial guess density matrix may have large error.
converged SCF energy = -204.901070705864  <S^2> = 0.75348786  2S+1 = 2.0034848
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0007569673    -0.0013713950     0.0000000000
1 O     0.0000657927    -0.0001796256     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0008253780     0.0015780802     0.0000000000
cycle 5: E = -204.901070706  dE = -3.23897e-05  norm(grad) = 0.00237948
Step    4 : Displace = 2.244e-03/2.808e-03 (rms/max) Trust = 2.000e-01 (+) Grad = 1.374e-03/1.781e-03 (rms/max) E (change) = -204.9010707059 (-3.239e-05) Quality = 1.089
Hessian Eigenvalues: 4.98734e-02 4.99997e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.19490e-01 6.03581e-01 8.66122e-01
Geometry optimization cycle 6
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.302708   1.926989   0.000000   -0.000090 -0.000204 -0.000000
   O  -3.972722   3.113505  -0.000000   -0.000892  0.000021 -0.000000
   O  -3.684803   0.862340   0.000000    0.001088 -0.000835 -0.000000
converged SCF energy = -204.901073122787  <S^2> = 0.75349676  2S+1 = 2.0034937
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N     0.0001388812    -0.0004813607    -0.0000000000
1 O     0.0000763453     0.0001071453     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0002180883     0.0004010930     0.0000000000
cycle 6: E = -204.901073123  dE = -2.41692e-06  norm(grad) = 0.000690466
Step    5 : Displace = 5.355e-04/7.558e-04 (rms/max) Trust = 2.828e-01 (+) Grad = 3.986e-04/5.010e-04 (rms/max) E (change) = -204.9010731228 (-2.417e-06) Quality = 1.237
Hessian Eigenvalues: 4.73284e-02 4.99999e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.20269e-01 5.11689e-01 7.86984e-01
Geometry optimization cycle 7
Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom)
 Atom        New coordinates             dX        dY        dZ
   N  -4.302647   1.926517   0.000000    0.000062 -0.000472  0.000000
   O  -3.973712   3.113143  -0.000000   -0.000991 -0.000362 -0.000000
   O  -3.683739   0.861935   0.000000    0.001064 -0.000405  0.000000
converged SCF energy = -204.901073327061  <S^2> = 0.75349872  2S+1 = 2.0034957
--------------- SCF_Scanner gradients ---------------
         x                y                z
0 N    -0.0000242121     0.0000258814     0.0000000000
1 O     0.0000236040     0.0000285469     0.0000000000
2 O    -0.0000026627    -0.0000278871    -0.0000000000
cycle 7: E = -204.901073327  dE = -2.04274e-07  norm(grad) = 5.84203e-05
Step    6 : Displace = 1.983e-04/2.613e-04 (rms/max) Trust = 3.000e-01 (+) Grad = 3.373e-05/3.704e-05 (rms/max) E (change) = -204.9010733271 (-2.043e-07) Quality = 0.791
Hessian Eigenvalues: 4.73284e-02 4.99999e-02 5.00000e-02 ... 3.20269e-01 5.11689e-01 7.86984e-01
Converged! =D
    #| If this code has benefited your research, please support us by citing: |#
    #|                                                                        |#
    #| Wang, L.-P.; Song, C.C. (2016) "Geometry optimization made simple with |#
    #| translation and rotation coordinates", J. Chem, Phys. 144, 214108.     |#
    #| http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952956                                    |#
Time elapsed since start of run_optimizer: 7.351 seconds
converged SCF energy = -204.90107332717  <S^2> = 0.75349869  2S+1 = 2.0034956

Pregunta b. Calcule el \(\Delta U\) de la reacción \(N_2O_4\)\(2NO_2\) según DFT B3LYP.

# Obtenga la energía de reacción (2E_{NO2} - E_{N2O4}). Recuerde convertur Hartree->kcal/mol.